Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Joe el Pendejo (the jackass)

Well, there was Joe sixpack, then Joe the plumber, now comes Joe the pendejo, (that's Spanish for jackass) the racist from the great state of South Carolina, home to many a great man, like that governor who has a South American philly on the side. Republican Joe Wilson told President Obama "you lie" in response to a comment regarding health coverage for unauthorized residents. This being done during a presidential address to a Joint Session of Congress, live on national television. If there is one place where everyone should be on their best behavior, it should be in the revered halls of national government when business is in progress AND in church. Boy, if one of my staff did that to me at one of my staff meetings that would be her last day on my payroll. First, it was a total lack of decorum. Okay, okay, there have been other failures to maintain decorum, but two wrongs and all that, Rep Joe was out of order in a major way. He should be slapped for that. Second, he chose to step out of line when he figured he had found a supportable challenge, unauthorized residents. Sure, pick on them, everyone else does. All the hoople surrounding loud mouth Joe is about his conduct. Very little has been said about the content of his misconduct, suggesting that its okay to speak out against "illegals" just don't do it that way. Illegals are still fair game. Hell, let's make national heroes of those who shoot them in the ass.
  • You know, that did happen. Two border patrol agents shot an unarmed fleeing suspect in the ass, and then covered up their misdeed, and then bragged about it. They were successfully prosecuted. Congressmen across the land called them heroes because the suspect was an "illegal alien" who by the way cannot possibly be innocent until proven guilty. One of W's last act was to commute their sentence.
I have long advocated for term limits. We need new and different politicians running this country, leaders who do not know the ways of the underworld. Let's start with sweeping out dirt in South Carolina. I make this pledge...if you promise to vote against all of your incumbents, I will do like wise. In fact, there was a time that I voted in the republican primaries. Then I realized that if I voted in the democratic primaries that I could vote against more incumbents, you see, my fair City of El Paso, TX is a one party town, the democratic party. So, you see, I have a history of voting against incumbents. Guys, and girls, like Joe the Pendejo who have been in office way too long have to go!

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