Well my dear friends, I've been gone for awhile because I found face book, but I am back. Hope you like this one.
What, do you ask, am I mad about? We are in the midst of the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind and Americans are too stupid to see it. If you look at recent history, Baby Bush doled out a $150 Billion stimulus package in the spring 2008. Then he rescued Freddie and Fannie and AIG and he lent $25 Billion to the auto industry to comply with federal regulations - all this BEFORE his TARP program that needed immediate approval to avert financial Armageddon.
By the end of September 2008, he had given out nearly half a TRILLION dollars. TARP added an additional $700 Billion to the kitty, that’s $1.2 Trillion. Fast forward 6 months to Obama and his generosity of nearly $800 Billion in ARRA and we are at nearly $2 TRILLON. Assuming a population of 308 million, minus the 12 million unauthorized residents (that’s illegal aliens to you jerks) and this economic stimulation costs $6,757 for every American. I don’t know about you guys, but all I got was a lousy $600 last summer.
Comes now the health care reform with an estimated price tag of $800 Billion over the next ten years and the price goes up to $2.8 TRILLION and we are up to $9,459 for every man, woman and child in this country. That is nearly ten grand per person and the money is going to bankers, investors, insurance titans, auto makers, health insurers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, etc. And all I got was a lousy $600 last summer.
Over the past 30 years Presidents have championed the reduction of taxes and signed all manner of bills with much fanfare. Tell me, my fine Americans, how many of you have actually seen a reduction in taxes? Our taxes will go up. Our insurance premiums will go up. Our utility rates will go up. Worse yet, “their” bonuses will go up. This is what I call the greatest transfer of wealth ever, and it’s costing me and you. I am mad as hell and I vow to vote against my Congressman and my Senators and my President at the next election.
It’s not just at the federal level, but that certainly pisses me off the most. At the state level our illustrious governor Rick Perry started the governor’s enterprise fund, not to be confused with a kickback fund. It had $200 million in it to “stimulate” a business climate. Two of the first three recipients of stimulation were Country Wide and Wachovia, both are belly up now. At the local level our city and county officials love to give tax breaks. Most recently some enterprising, not to be construed as blood sucking, business man, who is really a lawyer, bought a fixer upper in downtown El Paso. Then he pitched a plan to launch a fancy hotel IF he could get a tax break; he got it, then asked the city to let him off the hook and they did. Another transfer of wealth.
It happens everywhere. Dallas and New York built monuments to decadence in the form of sports arenas mostly with tax payer money so that club owners and star athletes can make fortunes while fans pay exorbitant parking fees, ticket prices, and concession prices. Yet another transfer of wealth.
I am mad as hell.
Barceleau 4 President.
Barceleau para Presidente, HECHELE GANAS PATRON!! NO SE DEJE DE ESOS 'JIJOS DE LA !@#%&%$#@! Mas claro ni el agua! Sadly, the Proletariat are too distracted by Commercialism, Political Cucuys (swine flu, wars), Micheal Jackson, Twitter, Farmville, and/or simply putting food on their children's table to sit back and simply thing. That is why I stick by you, you connect the dots! M.P. de la Burges
LOL, I missed spelled "think", the irony!
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