My fellow Americans, I am still under the weather. I don’t know where that saying comes from but it really doesn’t apply to the Sun City, cause the weather here is beautiful, sunny, clear skies, no breeze and 70+ degrees. But I am under it.
Yesterday, under the weather, I wrote about the news. However this morning’s newspaper really has an absence of news. It’s kinda like that song by Anne Murray “Sure Could Use a Little Good News Today.” Two articles gave me pause to think.
First is that our Senator, Kay Bailey, has decided to remain in office until the great health debate is over. You see, she is also running for Governor of the Great State of Texas while she is serving in the U. S. Senate. If anyone working for me was looking for another job on company time, I would fire them. Not so in politics.
Election season is gearing up in my community and things will get interesting soon. Public officials have started announcing their candidacy for other offices. They are not content with what they have, they want something more, better. Of course, their aspiration is always to better serve the community. They remain on the public payroll while they pursue other aspirations, and if they lose their bid for higher office, they still have their jobs. What a deal.
I propose that any elected official who is seeking a different elected office be required to resign from their elected office upon announcing their candidacy for another office. I further propose that elected officials not be allowed to actively campaign for reelection to the office they hold. They have had plenty of time of make their case for reelection.
I believe that if there were one thing that would change the mood for the better in this country it is eliminating career politicians.
The other thing that caught my attention is local businesses shirking their civic duty to pay taxes. Two wealthy guys in town make hefty investments to improve our community and to make themselves wealthier. Fair enough, this is America after all. But then they ask for and receive property tax breaks. However, they aren’t content to walk away with a nice tax break. Nooo, they file suit against the property appraisal district to force the appraisal district to decrease the valuation of their property, thereby netting yet another property tax break. It’s endemic in this country, wealthy seeking to shirk their tax responsibility, just like all those guys that POTUS was nominating for plum jobs in his administration. At least one of those deadbeats, Tim Geithner, got the job.
What happens when the wealthy do not pay their share of the tax burden. That burden is borne by me and the other tax payers in the community. It’s all legal in this country. In other countries we consider that kind of collusion between business and government to be corruption. In our country we simply make it legal and put it in the hands of judges who rely on campaign contributions of keep their judgeships.
America, don’t you just love her?
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